Friday, June 11, 2010

Eternal sunshine of a spotless mind

I religiously love this movie! No amount to breaking the movie scene by scene will do justice (I say ;)) So down here i'll simply put in some of my very favorite dialogues.. I so totally dig Clem!

The song's 9th and Hennepin. I spent
most of the train ride trying to
"Till you're full of rag water and bitters and blue ruin
And you spill out
Over the side to anyone who'll listen."

My goal, Joel, is to just let it flow
through me? Do you know what I mean?
It's like, there's all these emotions and
ideas and they come quick and they change
and they leave and they come back in a
different form and I think we're all
taught we should be consistent. Y'know?
You love someone -- that's it. Forever.
You choose to do something with your life
-- that's it, that's what you do. It's a
sign of maturity to stick with that and
see things through. And my feeling is
that's how you die, because you stop
listening to what is true, and what is
true is constantly changing. You know?

How can I? How can I move on when I know
I'm the only one to carry this love we
had? How do I do that?

Do you know The Velveteen Rabbit?
It's my favorite book. Since I was a
kid. It's about these toys. There's
this part where the skin Horse tells the
rabbit what it means to be real.
I can't believe I'm crying already. He
says, "It takes a long time. That's why
it doesn't often happen to people who
break easily or have sharp edges, or who
have to be carefully kept. Generally by
the time you are Real, most of your hair
has been loved off, and your eyes drop
out and you get loose in the joints and
very shabby. But these things don't
matter at all, because once you are Real
you can't be ugly, except to people who
don't understand."

Joel, I'm not a concept. I want you to
just keep that in your head. Too many
guys think I'm a concept or I complete
them or I'm going to make them alive, but
I'm just a fucked-up girl who is looking
for my own peace of mind. Don't assign
me yours.