Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I cant remember when any recent band excited me so much and amazed me crazily. Menomena's craze started when a friend of mine shared a link of 'I say Fever' album Intuit by the band Ramona Falls. Discovering Brent Knopf's Ramona Falls (this being the individual project taken by Knopf) took me to Menomena. Check out the Ramona falls website -

Also worth a peek is this interview of Knopf -

 The album art used for Ramona falls and its video is totally mystical, pagan something like the Aztec art. Check out the Theo Ellsworth website here -, he being the creator of the Ramona falls album art. Really amazing work. Craig Thompson is another artist who has made the album art for Menomena's album Friend & Foe and Mines. Check out his site at

Sketch of the album art in 'Friend and Foe' by yours truly

The music of both these bands is so new.. the flow so unexpected and lyrics so refreshingly new , catering to  my senses perfectly. I simply love the intelligent verses and what they convey. its just not some boring much  abused topic of all songs - love. They have fished into the ocean of emotions. I would just say, this band is one filled with smart asses.