Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Second breathe of life - Bandipur

My one week at Bandipur was decisive in so many ways. I was looking forward for the new experiences and adventures that were to come my way and most importantly to test whether I was fit to walk this path I had come to choose.

What surprised me most was my total lack of discomfort in the company of strangers and spending long evenings apparently doing nothing but birding and sharing the tit-bits of the worlds and its inhabitants we have explored and come across. I was in a state of peace, of total solitude. I had no mad urges to scream, to run, to do mad stuff which I am always up to here in the city. I knew I was home.

The waking up at 5.30am bore no grudges from a body that was accustomed to waking up at 7.30 for the 8am cab! A walk of 6-7 km per day through not always a simple terrain, did not strain the legs that hardly walked half a km per day. 

I have never before felt this calm I am experiencing now. The decision for me has been taken. No more I need wait at the station and bear the anxiety of identifying the train I am to alight. I am already on the journey! So many people before have told me the necessity of having a goal in their lives , of seeing that vision of where one ought to be, I have scoffed all along, always seeing myself in multiple roles in multiple destinations. Of being a painter at Paris, a rockstar at LA, writer in Dun, researcher at Amazon.. But now knowing what my role is , I can pursue one passion with full vigor, gather all my time and energy in one focused direction. A Jack no more!

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