Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ticks man!... Those tiny crab like fleas..

I was sitting at my cubicle one early morning, as early as my cab can deliver me to my bread giver - My IT job, all hassled and pissed off at missing a beautiful morning, pondering at what the mail my lead had just sent was trying to convey. The realization that he was mentioning my last release which I incidentally had to make stretching my hours released bugs coincided with a series of mad urge to scratch my tick bites vigorously and things just snow-balled and I was lost in the dizzy, albeit really pleasing sensation one gets on scratching them (Ah!!.. ask the monkeys ppl!!).

Just as I was lost in my own world my colleague passing by my cubicle, with a very peculiar expression on his face as though he had just spotted a pig rolling in the muck asked " Haven't you had a bath today?". My contemplation thus rudely broken by his unsavory words, I turned away still scratching away and muttered some curses under my breath. Ah if only he would just go away! but things just gets messier in offices when you show total lack of response.. And so I growled " I had , Unlike you! you seem to have done away without a bath for months! You smell awful!". His expression changed faster than the "Vacancy" boards and sniffing himself (reminded me of a comic clip of that chimpanzee who struck his thumb up his.. and took a sniff...) he replied all puzzled "I smell great!".. Yeah great my foot! He pours like 5 bottles of a very confusing odour, gives me a real headache.. enough to bamboozle an elephant to drive it insane. In the jungles man, you would juiced in a pulp in no time.

Oh! what do the tick-bite-free creature knows the pleasures of tick bites?. The vain effort to avoid them and the unlikely places they still make their way into! The angry red blotches fading into brownie marks, yet with the same intensity itching away.. Over all.. during the frustrating weeks that has denied me Jungle hours.. these tick bites itch away reminding me about the great times I have had..